Take Care Of These 5 Things To Avoid Pests This Spring

Prevent springtime pest problems with these 5 easy steps. Take action early to avoid infestations. Learn more with Spidexx Pest Control.

Coleman Spaulding

Published On:

October 13, 2023

Last Updated:

October 13, 2023

It’s the same cycle every year: as the weather warms up, pests will awaken from their dormant states and start searching for new places to live and eat. If you wait until spring and summer to fend off pest invaders, you could already be too late. Early prevention is key to avoiding springtime pest problems.

As we exit the winter months, take these steps to avoid pest problems this spring.

1. Clean your gutters.

When leaves and twigs clog your gutters, you’re bound to get pest problems. Clogged gutters don’t drain properly. This can result in standing water, which will attract all sorts of pests, particularly mosquitoes. Additionally, clogged gutters can flood over their sides and cause water damage to your home. The rotting wood this creates can attract carpenter ants.

2. Solve drainage problems around your yard and your home’s foundation.

Make sure your property’s drainage directs water away from your home, especially the foundation. Not only is a soggy foundation an appealing target for carpenter ants, but it can also threaten your home’s structural integrity. Also, make sure that other areas of your property are free of standing water that might attract mosquitoes looking for a place to lay eggs.

3. Repair your window and door screens.

Torn screens are one of the most common ways pests enter homes. Do a quick perimeter check around your home to make sure your window and door screens are free of rips, holes, or gaps around their edges.

4. Make sure your outdoor garbage cans and compost bins have lids.

Stinging insects (like wasps) find rotting food irresistible, so they’ll gather in large numbers around exposed garbage and compost heaps. By keeping your garbage cans and compost bins covered, you can prevent stinging insects from swarming around your property.

5. Contact your pest control company for a preventative springtime treatment.

If you know your home is prone to certain pest invaders, don’t wait until a problem starts to call an exterminator. Professional pest control companies offer preventative services that can help you avoid major infestations.

Pest Control in Des Moines, Milwaukee, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Omaha

At Spidexx Pest Control, we offer top-rated pest control services for a wide variety of common household pests found in the Midwest. Schedule your service by contacting us online or calling us at (855) 925-3550.

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A pest control technician with an administering rod treating the external parts of a houseA pest control kit
A pest control agent treating the plants around a house