Tips To Prevent Fleas In Your Home

Learn how to choose the right flea prevention for your pet and home. From shampoos to vet medications, we've got you covered! đŸŸ #FleaPrevention

Katie Peckat

Published On:

October 17, 2023

Last Updated:

October 30, 2023

Choosing the right flea prevention for your pet is the most important way to protect your home from a flea infestation. There are a variety of options to choose from, varying in strength and price. Depending on where you’re located, certain products might be less effective or completely ineffective at all. This is usually found in southern states where there is high heat or humidity (and crazy insects). If your home becomes infested, the only way to treat it is with a program that not only kills fleas, but kills their hatched eggs as well. That’s why it’s crucial to trust a professional who understands the life cycle of fleas.

Here are some ways to prevent fleas on your pet:

Flea Shampoo/Conditioner

We recommend that you use this preventative alongside another methods, due to its ineffectiveness to prevent fleas longterm. Keeping your pets groomed and cleaned is crucial to preventing fleas. Flea shampoos work great as an extra protectant when you’re cleaning your animal, as well as for use when you find out your pet has fleas. Just make sure that your not washing off any flea medicine that is applied to the animals coat already.

Flea Collar

Flea collars are a somewhat effective way of preventing fleas on your pet. They’re designed to keep pests away from the area that the collar is on. However, fleas love to hang out on the underbelly of the animals, making flea collars sometimes ineffective at preventing fleas. They don’t work if the fleas can find a spot on the animal’s body far enough away from the collar to hang out. Also, if your animal has fleas on them already, the collar will do nothing to kill the live fleas on their body.

Over the Counter Flea Medicine

There are several types of over-the-counter flea medications that you can buy at places like pet stores or big box stores. Their effectiveness often comes down to your pet's exposure to places with fleas, and the climate they’re living in. If you’re in a hotter or more humid climate, these over-the-counter medications might be enough, but you might want to consider more reliable options. More and more vets are saying that fleas are developing an immunity to these medications and are recommending more aggressive prevention methods.

Medicine from the Vet

The best option is to discuss this with your vet, who can answer questions regarding application and usage of products. For example, if you prefer to not apply the liquid to your pet's coat, you can opt for a chewable product. There are higher strength products as well that work in more temperate climates like Arizona and Florida.


One of the best ways to keep your house free of fleas (alongside of flea preventative medication) is to keep a clean home, and this includes vacuuming. When you vacuum, make sure you’re vacuuming not only your floors and carpets, but under and on top of furniture as well. Then don’t forget to dump the contents of the vacuum outside of your home right away when done.

Maintaining Lawns

Fleas are found in areas where there is heavy tree population and longer grass. They will jump off the grass onto your pet and ride in with them into your home. By maintaining and cutting your yard, you can help reduce the outdoor flea population.

Clean Bedding Regularly

How often do you change your bedding? Maybe once a week? Now, how often are you changing your pet's bedding? It’s important that your pet's bed is cleaned regularly, especially if you think you may have fleas in your home or live in an area with high flea activity.

Call Spidexx if You Do Have Fleas in Your Home

If you’re suspecting that your pet might have fleas then preventative measures won’t help and you will need a more aggressive approach to removing the infestation from your home. We understand the frustration that these pests bring to your life and are able to help you rid them from your home. Give us a call at (844) 922-7732 to get a free quote today!


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