This post will highlight three of our favorite insects in popular culture. They are all characters in popular movies that have become common household names in the United States. We find bug culture fascinating here at Spidexx Pest Control. These characters are no ordinary bugs, they all teach us lessons about kindness, loyalty, and resourcefulness. Read more about our favorites below and watch out for more #bugculture posts in the future.
A Bug’s Life
If you were born in the 1990s or had children alive then, you may remember Flik, the inventive, good-hearted, and smart ant from A Bug's Life. Flik was rather clumsy and had a tendency to create problems he never intended for his colony. However, he used his quick thinking to save his colony from the greedy grasshoppers, and befriend the to-be queen, Atta. The story highlights that bravery, kindness, and resourcefulness can help overcome most issues, self-created or not.
Charlotte’s Web
Charlotte’s Web, originally a book-turned cartoon, stands as one of the most popular insect stories around. The main character, a pig named Wilbur, befriends a barn spider named Charlotte. The book was first published in 1952 and became a cartoon movie in 1973. Charlotte makes Wilbur aware that he will be slaughtered and constructs a plan to save his life. She constructs the phrase “some pig” onto the web nearest to Wilbur and attracts attention from the local community. Wilbur is eventually admitted into the state fair. It is there that Charlotte weaves an egg sac, and she passes away shortly after.
Her offspring are released from their sac, and 3 of the thousands of spiders decided to remain in the barn with Wilbur. The story touches deeply on the cycle of life, and the importance of befriending others different than yourself.
Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio
Lastly, one of the oldest insects on our list is Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio. His character was based on the Talking Cricket and turned into a comical character who accompanies Pinocchio on his adventures. He offers advice to him, and acts as his “official conscience”. He is notably most famous for his song, “When you Wish Upon a Star”, which has been played during opening credits for Disney movies since.
Who is your Favorite Insect in Pop Culture?
We hope you enjoyed our top three favorite bugs in popular culture. We plan to post more famous bugs and bug stories in the future. Leave a comment with your favorite bug in pop culture!