A huge misconception about pest control is that aren’t any issues during the winter. Actually, it’s often quite the opposite! Homes that are experiencing issues throughout the winter are usually homes where a hidden pest control problem has gone undetected for several seasons. Insects like ants may go into your home for a brief time in search of food, or they may move in permanently and create satellite colonies within the wall voids, the foundation, and under slabs. Due to their resilient nature, their colony will continue to grow and expand over time. Often times issues with growing nests or colonies get worse as time goes on, and the population starts becoming more prevalent inside the home.
Each season brings with it its own unique set of pest control issues. Whether you’re in the thick of summer heat, or the entire ground is covered in a blanket of snow, there’s bound to be pest problems. Spidexx Pest Control is here to help take the worry out of year-round Pest Control.
Pest Control in the Fall
There’s still plenty of activity going on inside and outside as fall arrives. Depending on where you’re located, insects may be active outdoors into October or November. Some species, like wasps, get more aggressive as they prepare for winter. Queens will overwinter within trees, and even in wall voids of homes. Other common pests that may move into homes to overwinter include mice, stink bugs, box elder bugs, and ants.
It’s crucial in the fall to maintain a barrier pest control service, as well as taking measures to protect your home, and reduce access points. Check out our Fall Pest Control Checklist, for additional ways to protect your home from common autumn insects.
Pest Control in the Winter
Insects don’t just die in the fall and return in the spring. They are resilient and find warm areas to live during the winter. Just because the ground is frozen and the world is a blanket of ice, insect issues can still arise in the winter. If you’re seeing bugs inside your home during the winter, that’s an indication that activity has been hidden within your wall voids, undetected for some time. Mice continue to remain a problem for homeowners throughout the winter, and can reproduce very quickly to create an infestation.
Pest Control in the Spring
Springtime brings warm weather, birds chirping in the morning, and green grass! It also means insects are waking up and heading back outdoors to continue their cycle of life for another season. It’s crucial to build a strong foundation against insects in the spring to protect from the full season in the summer. There may be lots of pop up issues that start occurring at the start of spring and maintaining a barrier treatment, while addressing those issues, will help keep you bug free all summer long!
Pest Control in the Summer
Summer is obviously the time you’re going to see the most packed activity both outside and inside of your home. It’s crucial that you have laid down a protective barrier around your home in the spring so that you’re protected from common summer pests like wasps, mosquitoes, hornets, and ants. There will be no way to keep every bug off your property during the summer, but household pest control helps to keep them from ever making it indoors.
Spidexx Will Protect Your Home Year-Round
When it comes to Pest Control there’s a reason most homeowners and small businesses leave it to professionals. Who wants to deal with ants inside of their wall voids in the middle of January? Problems can quickly get out of hand and pest control maintenance ensures that someone is inspecting your home regularly for signs of activity.
Give our friendly office staff a call at (844) 922-7732, and our technician will do a full inspection, intensive initial treatment, and free spot-treatments between quarterly maintenance services.