All About Spiders

Discover the fascinating world of spiders with over 40,000 species! Learn about their life cycle, unique web-making abilities, and effective treatments to keep them at bay. Dive in for a spider-free home!

Mariana Aguilar

Published On:

October 11, 2023

Last Updated:

October 11, 2023

Spider Information

With over 40,000 known species, spiders are one of the most common pests plaguing homeowners. They are easily identifiable by their eight long legs, 2 main body parts, hairy exoskeleton, and varying sizes and colors.

Spiders have a life cycle consisting of 3 stages:

  • Egg: Female spiders may lay up to 3,000 eggs at a time, and go through the larval stage in the egg.
  • Spiderling: When they come out from the egg, they are just a miniature version of an adult spider.
  • Adult: An average life of 1-2 years at most, usually only surviving for a season, and being fully grown to their size.

Many spiders live as solitary animals for most of their life. Their advanced nervous systems help them sense danger approaching. On rare occasions, they will form communities together and build large webs to trap prey and share it amongst each other. In the webs, most spiders wait for prey to get caught in them. Spiders can produce up to 7 types of webs, each having a different purpose.


Common areas to find spiders are in corners of rooms, especially in basements, attics, and around garages. Here are some steps you can take to maintain a spider-free home.

  • Maintain your home outside - Covering vents with fine mesh insect screens and sealing gaps with caulk can prevent spiders from getting inside.
  • Maintain your home inside - Dusting and cleaning corners around your home, and keeping belongings in airtight bins will prevent spiders from using your belongings as hiding spots.
  • Organic methods - Using natural scents will deter spiders away - like mint and citrus as they are repelled by these scents.. Also, using a mix of white vinegar and water and spraying corners will keep them out.

Effective Spider Treatments

Our technicians will determine the best treatment process while they do an inspection inside and out, especially during prime spider season. There are some spiders that only live inside and others that make webs outside and stay there for as long as they can. Here is the process of what that inspection looks like.

  • Inside Treatment - A non-repellent product is used around baseboards and corners of rooms, as this is where spiders hide as a defense mechanism. They can go from room to room and will spray as much - or as little as you would like them to depending on where the activity is happening.
  • Exterior Treatment - An inspection will be done outside to determine where the spiders are hiding, and the first step a technician will take is dewebbing before anything else. The reason for this is it is forcing the spider to come out and rebuild their web. After de-webbing the technician applies a repellent product, that the spiders will walk through when rebuilding. ,

Keeping in mind that spiders are going to want to rebuild their home, it's not uncommon that webs appear a day after service. We ask you to give the product 14 days, as this also gives a chance for any eggs that are present to hatch. After this time, we are more than happy to get right back out to your home for another service, and proceed with the process of breaking up egg cycles! If you would like to know more about our spider service, contact our office at (844)922-7732

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