5 Tips For A Pest Free New Year

Say goodbye to recurring pest issues! Learn top tips to protect your home year-round and benefit from Spidexx's effective pest prevention services.

Katie Peckat

Published On:

October 17, 2023

Last Updated:

October 30, 2023

Are you tired of dealing with the same insect and rodent issues year after year? Do you struggle with pests like ants invading your kitchen in the spring, or mice taking over your cabinets in the winter? Don’t let another year go by without protecting your home from unwanted insects and rodents. In addition to regular pest and rodent control maintenance, here are five pest prevention tips you can take to keep bugs and critters out all year round!

Start the New Year with a Clutter-Free Home

Since you’ll be taking all your Christmas and holiday decorations back to storage after the new year, it’s a good opportunity to sort through your storage areas. While you sort through things, replace cardboard boxes with sealed plastic boxes. This will deter pests from entering boxes and living in all of your things. This will also help you become aware of unseen pest activity in areas that don’t get a lot of traffic, and boxes that aren’t opened often.

Check for Entry Points Before Weather Warms Up

Pests are already living within homes to overwinter. As the weather approaches, they begin to move outside. Spring rains then cause many pests to retreat back indoors again to avoid rainfall. This is often when insects, such as ants, will create satellite colonies within the walls. If you’ve checked your home before spring hits and sealed off any gaps and cracks you can find, this will help reduce the number of insects making their way indoors during peak season.

Prevent Common Kitchen Pests

Especially during the winter, when mice become the primary pest concern, keeping the kitchen clean will be important to eliminate pest activity. Even the smallest drop of food on a counter can attract mice and pests like ants, which are seeking out food for satellite colonies. To reduce common kitchen bugs, wipe down all counters and surfaces daily, and keep the floor free of crumbs. Store food in air-tight sealed containers, off of the ground.

Remove Dead Foliage From Around Home

Winter storms can cause significant amounts of debris to accumulate in your yard, untouched until spring begins. If you have days without snow and the weather is warm enough, head outside and get an early start on spring yard work. By cleaning up old leaves and sticks, you help reduce common spring bugs in the house, like ants and spiders.

Clean Vents and Ducts

The new year is a great time to tackle projects that often get ignored or forgotten in the home. Cleaning vents and ducts will help reduce pest activity, reduce fire risk, and help you become aware if pests have been entering through these holes in your home. You can do it yourself or hire a professional to come out and remove debris from vents and ducts.

Call Spidexx to Protect Your Home This New Year

Don’t hesitate to get started protecting your home now and throughout the year, with our quarterly maintenance service which targets common household bugs all year long! Give us a call at (844) 922-7732 or request an online quote and schedule your first service this January!

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A pest control technician with an administering rod treating the external parts of a houseA pest control kit
A pest control agent treating the plants around a house