3 Bugs That Will Look For Shelter In Your Home This Winter

As winter approaches, learn how to keep unwanted bugs out of your home. Discover tips to handle common pests like boxelder bugs and stink bugs.

Coleman Spaulding

Published On:

October 13, 2023

Last Updated:

October 13, 2023

As the weather gets colder, many of us are looking forward to snuggling up inside our homes, where it's warm and cozy. But some unwelcome guests will want to do the same thing—bugs! Here are three of the most common bugs that will be looking for shelter in your Midwestern home this winter and tips for how to deal with them.


Boxelder bugs get their name because they are often found feeding and laying eggs on boxelder trees. However, they will also infest other trees, shrubs, and buildings.

Boxelder bugs are a nuisance more than anything else, and they don't sting and almost never bite. They can, however, leave behind stains on surfaces as they travel around. Additionally, they can emerge in enormous numbers inside homes on warm winter days.

What Do They Look Like?

These insects are about half an inch long, have flat, oval-shaped bodies, and are known for their black and red or black and orange markings.


These pests are native to Asia but were accidentally introduced to the United States in the 1990s. Brown marmorated stink bugs emit a foul odor when crushed or disturbed. They feed on fruits, vegetables, and various plants, which damage crops.

In addition to their odor, brown marmorated stink bugs can also be a nuisance because they congregate in large numbers. They typically enter homes through cracks and crevices in walls and around doors and windows. Once inside, they reproduce quickly and can be challenging to eliminate.

What Do They Look Like?

These small, brown insects have flat, shield-shaped bodies, measure about 17 mm long, and are strong flyers, which is how they often end up indoors.


Asian lady beetles, often mistaken for "ladybugs," look for places to overwinter when the weather turns cold. That's typically when homeowners find them congregating on the exterior of their homes or crawling inside through tiny holes and cracks.

Asian lady beetles don't cause any damage to homes but can be a nuisance because of their large numbers. Like ladybugs, these beetles eat harmful garden pests like aphids, but unfortunately, once the aphids are gone, Asian lady beetles will start eating helpful bugs. Large Asian lady beetle populations can even damage crops.

While these beetles aren’t particularly harmful to humans or pets, some people may be allergic to their bites which can cause swelling and itching. Additionally, you don’t want to squash or disturb one of these beetles because they can release a stinky, yellowish fluid that can stain your home decor.

What Do They Look Like?

Asian lady beetles are small, black and orange beetles that measure about one-fourth an inch long. When comparing them to ladybugs, Asian lady beetles’ bodies are less round, and they have more white markings on their heads.


As temperatures drop, boxelder bugs, brown marmorated stink bugs, and Asian lady beetles will go into survival mode and try to find a warm place to ride out the winter. Below are some tips to prevent them from infesting your home.

  • Seal any cracks or gaps around doors and windows with caulk or weather-stripping.
  • Make sure your screens are in good repair.
  • If you find some of these bugs indoors, vacuum them up. Dispose of the bugs or the vacuum bag outside.
  • If you see boxelder bugs on the side of your home, blast them away with water from a garden hose.
  • Contact a pest control company for thorough, long-term treatments. This is essential if these bugs are a problem in your home every year.

No one wants uninvited guests in their home—especially if those guests are hordes of bugs! Taking simple preventive measures like sealing up cracks and gaps around doors and windows can help keep these winter pests out of your home where they belong. And if you find yourself with an infestation of any of these three common winter pests, our experts at Spidexx Pest Control are ready to help.

For pest control services in Milwaukee, Omaha, Des Moines, and Minneapolis-St. Paul, contact Spidexx Pest Control today: (855) 925-3550!

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