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How to Get Rid of Centipedes

Discover the secrets of how to get rid of centipedes! Effective tips and methods to keep your home centipede-free. Say goodbye to unwanted creepy crawlies!

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Coleman Spaulding
August 3, 2023
Last Updated:
October 10, 2023
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Coleman Spaulding
August 3, 2023
Last Updated:
October 10, 2023

Identifying a Centipede Infestation

Recognizing the signs of centipede presence and understanding the areas they are prone to infest will help you take effective steps in controlling these unwelcome guests. Additionally, we'll delve into differentiating centipede species based on signs, allowing you to develop a targeted approach for centipede control in the mid-west region of the USA.

Signs of Centipede Infestation

  • Presence of centipede bodies: Spotting centipedes crawling on walls, floors, or ceilings is a clear indicator of infestation.
  • Shed exoskeletons: As centipedes grow, they shed their exoskeletons, leaving behind evidence of their presence.
  • Droppings: Look for tiny dark pellets, often mistaken for dirt, as they are an indication of centipede activity.
  • Nests and hiding spots: Centipedes seek dark, damp areas, so check under sinks, in basements, and around damp outdoor spaces for potential nests.

Areas Prone to Centipede Infestation

  • Basements and crawl spaces: Centipedes favor these dark and humid environments.
  • Bathrooms: Centipedes are attracted to moisture, making bathrooms a common area for infestations.
  • Garages and sheds: Cluttered spaces and gaps in walls provide ideal hiding spots for centipedes.
  • Mulched gardens: Centipedes feed on other pests attracted to mulch, making gardens susceptible to infestations.

Differentiating Centipede Species by Signs

  • Leg count: Centipedes have a varying number of legs, with different species ranging from 15 to over 100 pairs of legs.
  • Body color and markings: Some species have distinct colors or markings on their bodies, allowing for identification.
  • Size: Centipede sizes can vary significantly between species, from a few millimeters to several inches long.

By learning to identify the signs of centipede infestations and understanding their preferences, you'll be better equipped to control centipedes in your mid-western home effectively. Remember, professional assistance may be necessary for severe infestations or when dealing with venomous centipede species.

Removal of Centipedes

When dealing with a centipede infestation in your mid-western home, effective removal methods are crucial to ensure a pest-free environment. In this section, we will explore various approaches for getting rid of centipedes, tailored to the mid-west region of the USA. From non-toxic and eco-friendly options to chemical solutions, you'll discover strategies to eliminate centipedes and maintain a centipede-free space.

Non-Toxic & Eco-Friendly

Baits & Traps:

  • Place sticky traps near entry points and areas with high centipede activity.
  • Use centipede-specific bait stations with non-toxic attractants.

Natural Repellants:

  • Sprinkle diatomaceous earth or boric acid in areas where centipedes are prevalent.
  • Use essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil as natural repellents.

Non-toxic Repellant Products:

  • Utilize silica gel-based repellents, which are safe for pets and children.

Biological Control Methods:

  • Introduce centipede predators such as spiders, ground beetles, or chickens to your garden.

Chemical & Pesticides


  • Choose insecticides specifically formulated for centipede control.


  • Follow instructions and safety guidelines when handling chemical products.
  • Use protective gear like gloves and masks during application.

How to Apply Pesticides Effectively:

  • Spray insecticides in areas where centipedes are likely to hide or travel, such as cracks and crevices.
  • Treat both indoor and outdoor areas to ensure complete eradication.

Centipede Removal Services:

  • Consider seeking professional pest control services for severe or persistent infestations.
  • Professionals can identify the centipede species and apply targeted treatments.

By employing these removal methods, you can effectively control centipedes in your mid-western home without compromising the environment or the well-being of your family. Regular monitoring and maintenance are essential to prevent future infestations and maintain a centipede-free environment.

Dealing with Specific Centipedes Species

In the mid-west region of the USA, various centipede species can pose unique challenges when it comes to control and eradication. Understanding the specific characteristics and behavior of each centipede species is crucial for effective pest management. This section will explore different centipede species commonly found in the mid-west and provide targeted strategies for dealing with each of them, ensuring a centipede-free environment.

House Centipedes (Scutigera coleoptrata)

  • Description: Slender, long-legged centipedes with a distinct yellowish-brown body and dark stripes.
  • Behavior: House centipedes are commonly found indoors, seeking moisture-rich areas like bathrooms and basements.

Control Methods:

  • Reduce indoor humidity levels to discourage house centipedes.
  • Seal gaps and cracks in the foundation to prevent their entry.
  • Use sticky traps to capture them indoors.

Stone Centipedes (Order Lithobiomorpha)

  • Description: Flat, long centipedes with a dark brown or grayish body and numerous legs.
  • Behavior: Stone centipedes prefer outdoor environments, especially in gardens and under rocks or logs.

Control Methods:

  • Clear garden debris and clutter to reduce their hiding spots.
  • Encourage natural predators like birds and ground beetles to control their population.
  • Apply natural repellents like diatomaceous earth around garden edges.

House Centipedes (Order Geophilomorpha)

  • Description: Slender centipedes with numerous body segments and short legs.
  • Behavior: House centipedes are usually found outdoors in moist environments, like under leaf litter or decaying wood.

Control Methods:

  • Improve drainage around the house to reduce moisture levels.
  • Remove potential centipede habitats like piles of leaves or wood.
  • Seal cracks in the home's foundation and windows to prevent their entry.

Understanding the distinct characteristics and habits of each centipede species in the mid-west region allows for targeted and effective control measures. By implementing these strategies, you can successfully manage and eliminate specific centipede species, creating a centipede-free environment in your home and garden.

Prevention Measure for Centipedes

By adopting effective prevention measures, homeowners can deter centipedes from entering their homes and gardens. This section will provide practical and natural prevention methods to ensure centipedes stay at bay, allowing for a centipede-free living space.

Regular Cleaning Practices

  • Keep indoor spaces clean and clutter-free to eliminate potential hiding spots for centipedes.
  • Vacuum regularly to remove dust, debris, and insects that centipedes may feed on.
  • Clean up food spills promptly to avoid attracting centipede prey.

Proper Food Storage

  • Store food items in airtight containers to prevent attracting insects that serve as centipede prey.
  • Avoid leaving pet food exposed overnight, as it can attract insects and, subsequently, centipedes.

Sealing Entry Points

  • Inspect and seal gaps, cracks, and openings in the foundation, windows, and doors to prevent centipedes from entering the house.
  • Install door sweeps and weather stripping to further reduce entry points.

Centipede-Repellant Plants

  • Plant centipede-repellent herbs and flowers around the home and garden, such as mint, lavender, and marigold.
  • These plants emit scents that deter centipedes from venturing close to the property.

Natural Solutions

  • Create a centipede barrier using diatomaceous earth around the home's perimeter and entry points.
  • This natural substance is abrasive to centipedes, causing them to avoid crossing it.

Regular Property Inspection & Maintenance

  • Conduct routine inspections of the home and garden to identify and address potential centipede entry points or breeding grounds.
  • Remove any decaying plant matter or organic debris that may attract centipedes.

Pest Control Subscription

  • Consider enrolling in a pest control subscription program to have professional technicians monitor and address pest issues, including centipedes, on a regular basis.

By implementing these prevention measures, homeowners in the mid-west region can proactively safeguard their living spaces from centipede infestations and enjoy a centipede-free environment year-round.

The Different Species of Centipedes

In the mid-west region of the USA, various species of centipedes can be found, each with its unique characteristics and habits. Understanding the different species is crucial for effective centipede control and removal. This section provides valuable insights into the common centipede species in the region and offers guidance on how to manage and prevent infestations.

House Centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata)

  • Appearance: Yellowish-brown with three dark stripes along the back, long legs, and numerous fast-moving body segments.
  • Habitat: Often found indoors in damp and dark areas such as basements, bathrooms, and crawl spaces.
  • Behavior: House centipedes are nocturnal hunters that prey on insects and other pests, making them beneficial in controlling other pests.
  • Control: Seal entry points, reduce moisture indoors, and eliminate other pests to discourage house centipedes.

Stone Centipede (Lithobiomorpha)

  • Appearance: Dark brown or reddish-brown with long antennae, and up to 15 pairs of legs.
  • Habitat: Found in outdoor environments like gardens, under rocks, and in damp soil.
  • Behavior: Stone centipedes are predators that feed on insects and small arthropods.
  • Control: Maintain garden cleanliness, remove debris, and create a barrier around the home to prevent their entry.

Soil Centipede (Geophilomorpha)

  • Appearance: Long and slender, with numerous pairs of legs (up to 177), and a yellowish-brown coloration.
  • Habitat: Live in the soil and leaf litter of gardens and wooded areas.
  • Behavior: Soil centipedes feed on small insects and organic matter.
  • Control: Encourage a balanced ecosystem in gardens to naturally manage soil centipede populations.

House Centipede (Cryptopidae)

  • Appearance: Brownish with long antennae and numerous body segments, ranging from 15 to 23 pairs of legs.
  • Habitat: Found indoors, preferring dark and humid places like basements and bathrooms.
  • Behavior: House centipedes are nocturnal hunters, preying on insects and arthropods.
  • Control: Improve indoor ventilation and reduce moisture to discourage house centipedes.

Understanding the distinct characteristics and behaviors of these centipede species allows homeowners to adopt targeted strategies for effective centipede control and minimize their presence indoors and around their homes. By implementing preventive measures, homeowners in the mid-west region can maintain a centipede-free living environment.

Everything you should know about Centipedes

Understanding their life cycle, foraging and feeding habits, seasonal behavior, and role in the ecosystem is essential for effective centipede control and management. Let's explore these fascinating creatures and learn how to keep them in check.

Life Cycle of Centipedes

  • Centipedes undergo incomplete metamorphosis, with three stages in their life cycle: egg, nymph, and adult.
  • Females lay eggs in damp soil or protected areas, and the number of eggs varies by species.
  • Nymphs emerge from the eggs and resemble miniature adults but have fewer body segments and legs.
  • As nymphs grow, they molt several times, gradually increasing their size and number of legs until reaching adulthood.
  • The life cycle duration can vary depending on the centipede species and environmental conditions.

Foraging & Feeding Habits

  • Centipedes are carnivorous predators that primarily feed on insects, spiders, and other small arthropods.
  • They are efficient hunters, using their venomous fangs to paralyze their prey and inject digestive enzymes.
  • Centipedes are nocturnal creatures and actively hunt during the night.
  • Some centipede species can deliver a mild venomous bite to defend themselves, but it rarely poses a threat to humans.

Seasonal Behavior of Centipedes

  • During warmer months, centipedes are more active and abundant, seeking out prey and mates.
  • In colder months, they may enter homes seeking shelter and warmth, leading to indoor infestations.
  • Centipedes prefer moist and dark environments, making basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms favorable hiding spots.
  • Understanding their seasonal behavior helps homeowners implement preventive measures during peak activity.

Centipedes in the Ecosystem

  • Centipedes play a crucial role in the ecosystem by controlling insect populations.
  • They help regulate pest populations, preventing potential agricultural and ecological imbalances.
  • Centipedes are part of a delicate food web, providing food for larger predators like birds, rodents, and amphibians.
  • Their presence contributes to maintaining biodiversity and a balanced ecosystem.

By comprehending the life cycle, habits, behavior, and ecological significance of centipedes, homeowners can make informed decisions to control their populations effectively and maintain a pest-free environment in the mid-west region.

Impact of Centipede Control on the Environment

As pest control experts, it's essential to strike a balance between effective centipede removal and minimizing harm to the environment. We'll discuss the environmental footprint of chemical pesticides, eco-friendly pest control methods, and sustainable practices to ensure a safe and eco-conscious approach to centipede control.

Environmental Footprint of Chemical Pesticides

  • Chemical pesticides can have a significant impact on the environment, affecting non-target organisms and disrupting the natural ecosystem.
  • Runoff from pesticides may contaminate water sources, harming aquatic life and disrupting the balance of the local ecosystem.
  • Pesticides can also accumulate in soil and impact beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife in the area.
  • Long-term use of chemical pesticides can lead to pesticide resistance in centipedes and other pests, making future control efforts less effective.

Eco-Friendly Pest Control Methods

  • Employing eco-friendly pest control methods can reduce the environmental impact while effectively managing centipede populations.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices focus on using a combination of strategies, such as biological control, habitat modification, and preventive measures.
  • Beneficial nematodes and natural predators, like birds and spiders, can help control centipede populations naturally.
  • Sticky traps and physical barriers are non-toxic alternatives that prevent centipedes from entering homes without harming the environment.

Sustainable Practices for Centipede Control

  • Sustainable pest control practices aim to control centipedes while preserving the ecological balance and minimizing environmental harm.
  • Regular property inspection helps identify potential centipede entry points and areas of infestation, allowing for targeted control measures.
  • Proper sanitation, including removing food sources and reducing moisture, discourages centipedes from infesting homes.
  • Sealing entry points and repairing gaps in structures prevent centipedes from accessing indoor areas.
  • Educating homeowners about centipede behavior and the importance of coexisting with these beneficial creatures fosters a sustainable approach to pest control.

By understanding the environmental impact of various centipede control methods and adopting eco-friendly and sustainable practices, homeowners and pest control experts can work together to manage centipede populations responsibly and protect the delicate balance of the mid-west region's ecosystem.

Are centipedes dangerous to humans, and how can I keep them out of my home?

Centipedes are generally not harmful to humans, as most species found in the mid-west region of the USA are not venomous enough to cause serious harm. However, their presence indoors can be unsettling. To keep centipedes out of your home, follow these preventive measures:

  • Seal cracks and gaps in doors, windows, and foundation to prevent entry.
  • Eliminate damp and humid areas, as centipedes are attracted to moisture.
  • Regularly clean and declutter your home to remove hiding spots for centipedes.
  • Use sticky traps or non-toxic repellents to deter centipedes from entering indoor areas.

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